As a specialist pulley lagging manufacturer Elastotec has developed the Direct Bond Ceramic Lagging and method of application.
The application method has been designed to ensure consistent and reliable results under various application conditions. In addition, a network of Approved Applicators has been trained to use the Elastotec Direct Bond Ceramic Lagging application method. This ensures that only trained operators using OEM materials apply the Elastotec Direct Bond Ceramic Lagging. The result:
-Consistent application to OEM specifications.
-Long-life trouble-free lagging performance.
-Reliable result.
Elastotec Direct Bond Ceramic Lagging is designed for use on drive and non-drive conveyor pulleys. This lagging provides a maintenance free wear resistant surface that will provide increased traction for drive pulleys and a smooth surface for bend and tail pulleys.
Important considerations for Direct Bond Ceramic Lagging
Direct Bond Ceramic Lagging is selected as a lagging solution due to its high adhesion strength of ceramic tiles to the pulley shell through the epoxy adhesive (>20MPa). In the right application, the direct bond provides a maintenance-free surface.
Direct Bond behaves differently to rubber-based laggings and needs to be carefully assessed before being selected. Direct bond is a rigid pulley lagging and does not have the flexibility that rubber-based laggings have.
Aspects to consider when selecting direct bond lagging: